Market Research Summary for Parent(s) and children “Choice Food for Growth Workshop Series”


To investigate the knowledge and eating habits of 100 mothers with a child or children aged between 2 to 6 years old.



The survey was carried out at various areas around Singapore over a duration of 3 days by 3 interviewers who were trained to ask questions in a consistent and concise manner. The mothers were asked to answer all the questions in the questionnaire.


Results and Discussion:

Topic Results Discussion
Gut health 63% of the mothers are practicing what they know by feeding their child with probiotics.

83% of the mothers fed their child with prebiotics, but only 35% feed their child with vegetables (highest in prebiotics)

Not many mothers knows vegetables has more prebiotics than fruits.

Most mothers are practicing what they know by feeding their child with food that are high in probiotics and prebiotics.

Fiber Majority (95%) of the mothers knows the sources of fiber.
Most (52%) children are obtaining their source of fiber from fruits.
Most children are not obtaining their main source of fiber from wholegrain and vegetables
Immunity Only 9% of the mothers chose the correct combination of food which boost immunity Majority of the mothers have a lack in knowledge on types of foods that helps in strengthening their child’s immunity.
Brain development 72% of the mothers are aware of the nutrients important for brain development.

Out of the 72%, only 2 mothers are not feeding their children with salmon and tuna.

Most mothers are aware of the food that contain important nutrients for brain development, however some are unaware.


Action Plan:

  1. Develop a four part series of workshop that involves both parent(s) and child in the workshop that includes nutrition games and hands-on nutrition cooking classes.
  2. Aim for each of the series of workshop to pay additional attention to the awareness of parent(s) and child on going back to basics of food ingredients, food costings, and meal planning.
  3. Encourage in the workshops between parent(s) and child consistent behavior towards choice or food, cooking methods, mix and match of ingredients for better palatability and parent-child bonding from workshop to home and beyond.